SVA - Student Veterans of America
SVA stands for Student Veterans of America
Here you will find, what does SVA stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Student Veterans of America? Student Veterans of America can be abbreviated as SVA What does SVA stand for? SVA stands for Student Veterans of America. What does Student Veterans of America mean?Student Veterans of America is an expansion of SVA
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Alternative definitions of SVA
- Savoonga, Alaska USA
- Security Vulnerability Assessment
- Stereo Variable Area
- School of Visual Arts
- Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera
- Scandinavian Virtual Airlines
- Singapore Veterinary Association
- Stereo Variable Area
View 62 other definitions of SVA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SPSD Sauk Prairie School District
- SSL Seattle Skin and Laser
- SITA Sun Integrated Technologies and Applications
- SGL The Sowerby Group Limited
- SARCS South African Red Cross Society
- SRP Scott Rudin Productions
- SLRIPL SLR Infotech Pvt. Ltd
- SDT Scalable Display Technologies
- SHIL Scottish Health Innovations Ltd
- SRI The Sexual Recovery Institute
- SSI Silicone Specialties Inc
- SFML Sapphire Finishing Mills Limited
- SCAC The Stag Community Arts Centre
- SBSL Shuttleworth Business Systems Limited
- SPC Stony Plain Chrysler
- SCC St Charles College
- SSL Structural Systems Ltd
- SPD Shelton Police Department
- SMC St Matthews Church
- SHHCS Spring Hills Home Care Services